Portable essential oil diffusor with rechargeable battery Lanaform Summer Night
Portable essential oil diffusor with rechargeable battery Lanaform Summer Night
Code: LA120323Price 3495 € VAT incl.(28 88 € VAT excl.)Want another price? Suggest yours!Aproximate delivery time: 1 - 2 w. d.In stock.The product description and the photographs and other images of the product on the packaging are as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee a perfect match. Original products may differ from the pictures due to continuous development (appearance of packaging, lettering, design details, shades, etc.), therefore the product pictures in the online shop are for illustrative purposes only. The colour of the product may also vary slightly due to the individual settings on your computer screen.
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The compact, rechargeable battery-operated Summer Night portable essential oil vaporiser is also a torch with 7 levels of light intensity to create a soothing atmosphere on summer evenings outside. Both functions (diffuser and light) can be used separately or simultaneously, both indoors and outdoors.
Summer Night is also a solution to repel mosquitoes on summer evenings. Peaceful Night 100% organic essential oil is included, which perfectly repels mosquitoes thanks to the heady combination of lemongrass, eucalyptus and pink geranium.
It can also be used with any other essential oils suitable for diffusion.
The vaporiser works with a rechargeable battery via USB. When charged, it runs for 2 to 7 hours depending on the power required for the functions used (lights and/or diffuser).
Characteristics:- 2-in-1 diffuser
- Ultrasonic evaporator with 120 ml capacity
- Emission intensity 15 ml/hour
- Distribution modes: continuous or cyclic
- 7 light intensity levels
- Battery life: 2 to 7 hours
- Timer function (1, 3, 8 hours)
- Warm white light
- Diffusion-independent light
- Automatic switch-off
- Portable
Peaceful Night Mosquito Protection Essential Oil