Lymphatic drainage pressure therapy device for legs Habys Standard-8
Lymphatic drainage pressure therapy device for legs Habys Standard-8
Code: T-POZMAX002Price 499 € VAT incl.(412 40 € VAT excl.)Want another price? Suggest yours!In stock.The product description and the photographs and other images of the product on the packaging are as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee a perfect match. Original products may differ from the pictures due to continuous development (appearance of packaging, lettering, design details, shades, etc.), therefore the product pictures in the online shop are for illustrative purposes only. The colour of the product may also vary slightly due to the individual settings on your computer screen.
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Professional lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy device with a control unit and 8-chamber cuffs.
The device is perfect for massage parlors, physiotherapy, wellness, beauty and SPA salons, as well as for the regeneration of active people at home:
- for anti-cellulite, firming and body shaping procedures
- for people who are actively involved in sports, for regeneration after increased physical exertion
- Lymphatic drainage pressure therapy device with connectors
- Two 8-chamber leg cuffs (for people 170-190 cm tall)
- 5 automatic operating modes
- Possibility to set the duration of procedures from 10 to 50 minutes.
- Capacious 2500 mAh battery
- OLED display
- Ability to adjust pressure from 50 to 250 mmHg