Connected sunrise & sunset simulator Lanaform WL‑100C
Connected sunrise & sunset simulator Lanaform WL‑100C
Code: LA190203Price 4995 € VAT incl.(41 28 € VAT excl.)Want another price? Suggest yours!Aproximate delivery time: 1 - 2 w. d.In stock.The product description and the photographs and other images of the product on the packaging are as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee a perfect match. Original products may differ from the pictures due to continuous development (appearance of packaging, lettering, design details, shades, etc.), therefore the product pictures in the online shop are for illustrative purposes only. The colour of the product may also vary slightly due to the individual settings on your computer screen.
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VendorCountry of originBelgium-
Sunrise and sunset simulator
The WL-100C is both a sunrise simulator and a sunset simulator. Just like a real sunrise, the brightness gradually increases over 30 minutes until a yellow light illuminates your room, promoting natural awakening. When the light fills the room, the chosen natural sound is emitted.
In the evening, once you are in bed, the light decreases for a period of time (15, 30, 60 minutes), allowing you to fall asleep gradually at the same rhythm as the sun sets.
A personal and connected experience
The Lanaform Connect app allows you to set multiple alarms, light themes and intensities, and to control sounds and the radio from your smartphone. If your phone is not nearby, all the functions are also available on the simulator.
Sleep aid function
The WL-100C has a sleep aid with 6 sounds specially developed to facilitate sleep. These continuous neutral sounds, using specific frequencies, are used to cover ambient noise. Their diffusion causes a relaxing effect: by focusing on undifferentiated noise, brain activity decreases and sleep is promoted.
Snooze function
Activate the snooze function by pressing the top of the device to turn off the sound and sleep some more.
Adaptability to the surrounding environment
Do you want to enjoy darker surroundings while you sleep? No problem: the intensity of the screen adapts to the level of brightness of the room, but can also turn off.
A sunrise and sunset simulator but not only that...
The connected sunrise and sunset simulator is also a bedside lamp that you can adjust to the desired intensity to read or light discreetly at night.
Would you like to listen to music? It's easy with the programmable stations and favourites list.
Thanks to the USB port, you can charge your smartphone from the WL-100C simulator.